


Workshop on best practices in selectivity


Start hour

End hour




Gabriel Mato-Adrover MEP and Blue Fish, the European Association for the promotion of sustainable and responsible fishing, warmly invite you to participate in an interactive workshop on best practices in selectivity which will be held during the lunch break of the PECH Committee on 4 December between 12:45 and 14:00.

Technical measures, selectivity and discards are some of the issues at the core of discussions on sustainable fishing, and are as such key topics on the agenda of the European institutions. This workshop will bring together scientists and professionals from Spain, France and the UK to have a hands-on discussion on what innovations are available to improve selectivity and reduce unwanted catches.

During the workshop fishermen will demonstrate and explain their specialized gear, and give an interactive and hands-on presentation of some of the best practices they have been implementing along the coasts of Europe to make sustainable fishing a reality.